Quick Update on kiln: Bitcoin 'simnet' experimentation

There is a problem created by lack of competition in my own little Bitcoin world running on my laptop: it's too easy. If I let a node start mining, it will mine blocks at a ridiculous pace....

Connecting a Kubernetes Operator to Bitcoin Node Management APIs

The Bitcoin node implementation that I'm using (btcd) exposes an RPC API. For the past couple of days, I've been exploring that API and how I can integrate the kiln operator with with this RPC endpoint....

Simulating the Bitcoin Network

I have deployed a Bitcoin node using the kiln operator and connected a Lightning node to it, however, I am running the Bitcoin node in simnet mode, meaning it is simulating its own isolated Bitcoin network. This requires some explanation....

Supporting Bitcoin and Lightning Protocols with Kubernetes

Using a Kubernetes operator pattern, I intend to explore the utility of Kubernetes as a platform for a hosting and managing private Bitcoin and Lightning infrastructure....